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How Vaults Work

Vaults have several important user roles that can be identified using the public address of an account or multi-sig. The primary user roles for a vault are: creator, administrators, and liquidity providers.

Creator and administrator user roles are to be established at vault instantiation, with the adminstrator roles open to change throughout the lifetime of the vault. Liquidity providers can freely contribute or withdraw crypto assets to the vault, thus entering or exit their role, throughout the lifetime of the vault. An additional user role is that of the strategist which can be assumed by the adminstrator role or potentially be a third party.

User Roles

  • Creator: Account of the vault smart contract creator, the account that instantiated the contract.
  • Administrator: An account which has "pseudo" permissions for vault. The Creator is an administrator by default.
  • Strategist (optional): Account for owner/developer of the vault's active strategy primitives
  • Liquidity Provider: Accounts depositing assets and bonding into the vault.

For essential information about what vaults are, see our overview on vaults.

Vaults are smart contracts developed using CosmWasm, a Rust library for building smart contracts that compile to WASM and can run on the WASM VM within a chain using Cosmos SDK modules. Vaults may be instantiated using a pre-deployed factory contract developed and audited by the Quasar core developer team and other security partners.

Vault creators may also create their vault smart contract from scratch. In this case, developers must be careful to follow the vault specification carefully and thoughtfully to avoid getting the vault rejected from being hosted on the chain.

Below, we will include the vault parameters established by the creator at instantiation.

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