What is Quasar?

Quasar replaces spot ownership by uniting Staking and DeFi yields into a single fungible asset called an LSAs (qsrOSMO, qsrETH, etc.). It is the first Restakable representation of DeFi. By rebalancing capital between LST’s and attractive yield destinations, LSAs can guarantee at minimum staking yield, and at the best outperforming DeFi yields

What are Layered Staked Assets

Layered Staked Assets (LSAs) are single fungible assets that unite Staking and DeFi yields. LSAs offer the first Stakable and Restakable representation of DeFi that ensures competitive yields without the need for constant active management. Holders of LSAs get staking yield for that asset or higher with outperforming DeFi yields. They are interchain as they are enabled by IBC creating a seamless DeFi experience.

What is IBC? What is the Interchain?

The Interchain comprises a community of blockchains aligned on improving interoperability across the internet of blockchains. This includes any chain that integrates or plans to integrate the Inter-Blockchain Communication Protocol (IBC) and most blockchains built with the Cosmos SDK. IBC is an interoperability protocol that provides specifications for secure data transfer between independent blockchains. Quasar uses IBC to transfer assets, execute cross-chain actions, and request queries from remote chains in a decentralized and permissionless manner.

What are Vault Based Incentives

Vault Based Incentives (VBI) enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of protocol incentivization within Quasar Vaults. It allows protocols to directly incentivize Quasar vaults and their users, providing them with more control and ensuring that incentives are appropriately directed to the right users.

What is the Strategy Keeper Network

The Strategy Keeper Network (S.K.N.) is a specialized ecosystem of keepers that trustlessly verify and execute off-chain computations on-chain. It unites TradFi workflows with DeFi and is crucial in enabling strategists to implement their strategies on-chain while ensuring user protection against malicious actions.

What is an appchain?

Appchain refers to an application-specific blockchain. Unlike generalized blockchains like Ethereum that host multiple different apps, appchains are built uniquely for individual applications. Similar to how Bitcoin is specifically built to mint/store/transfer BTC, and Osmosis is specifically built for hosting AMMs, Quasar is specifically built for hosting vaults as general asset management vehicles.

Appchains are increasingly prevalent and desirable to both developers and users since they offer greater control over customizable features. The "internet of blockchains" concept coined by Cosmos describes the emerging ecosystem of numerous interconnected appchains. Cosmos provides toolkits for appchain construction and emphasizes IBC adoption for blockchain interoperability.

Does Quasar use smart contracts?

Yes, smart contracts run on the Quasar blockchain. Unlike other general purpose blockchains where smart contracts are used for a variety of applications, our smart contracts are exclusively for building vaults and the strategies they run. The essence of Quasar lies in how vault smart contracts and strategy smart contracts interact with each other.

What are vaults?

Vaults are smart contracts that act as general digital asset containers. They are the entry point to accessing Quasar’s infrastructure, acting as the bookkeeping mechanism facilitating interchain digital asset management.

The bulk of a vault’s members are liquidity providers who join the vault to participate in the strategies it selects. Liquidity providers will be able to choose from among vaults with varying risk profiles and goals.

What are strategies?

Strategies are smart contracts with execution logic for deploying assets across the Interchain. Vaults aim to meet their asset management goals by dynamically attaching strategies. Every strategy is customizable, upgradable, and composable, able to seamlessly communicate with vaults (or other strategies?). They can be built for a wide range of creative use cases by individuals or groups of individuals with experience in smart contract development and/or algorithmic trading.

What is the $QSR token used for?

  • L1 Security: $QSR secures our Layer 1 infrastructure, ensuring that all strategies, executions, rebalances, transfers, and vault deposits are tracked, verified, and securely accessible for verification by any party.

  • Governance and Association: As the governance token and the pivotal asset of the Quasar Association, a Swiss non-profit dedicated to our ecosystem's growth, $QSR empowers token holders to vote on critical decisions regarding deployment, upgrades, and protocol variables.

  • Strategist Keeper Network (S.K.N.): It secures S.K.N., facilitating a decentralized, multi-step process that ensures compliant, swift, and secure execution of off-chain computations on-chain, rewarding S.K.N. stakers.

  • Community Fund and ProtoRev Usage: $QSR holders play a decisive role in utilizing the on-chain community fund and ProtoRev, directly influencing the Protocol's future and ensuring that generated ProtoRev is allocated effectively.

Is Quasar audited?

Yes. We are regularly audited by Halborn, an award-winning blockchain cybersecurity firm. They evaluate and test our blockchain, smart contracts, and web app to identify and eliminate any vulnerabilities, bugs, or possible exploits. Reports from Halborn will be made publicly available.

How do liquidity providers access Vaults and LSAs?

Users can find vaults and eventually LSAs via the Quasar web app: app.quasar.fi.

The app functions as Quasar's primary interface. Updates in the form of UI improvements, inclusion of additional vaults, changes in the caps for each vault and new LSAs will be provided soon

What kind of wallet do I need to connect to Quasar?

Quasar supports connection via the Keplr, Cosmostation, Leap and Metamask (Leap Snaps) wallets

Do I need $QSR to participate in a vault?

$QSR is not required to join a vault. However, given that our current vaults are based on Osmosis, you will need to have a small amount of $OSMO in your wallet

Can I withdraw at any time?

Yes you can withdraw at any time

What do I need to know about $QSR’s tokenomics?

The $QSR token is used for proof-of-stake security and is used for transaction fees on the Quasar chain. Aside from standard PoS mechanics, vault creators are required to delegate $QSR to validators to spin up a new vault. The $QSR token is also used for on-chain governance,

You can find additional information in our documentation for $QSR, including a detailed breakdown of token allocation.

How does Q-Treasury work?

Q-Treasury has two functions. First, it acts as a community pool governed by the Quasar community. Second, it acts as a reserve of protocol-owned liquidity through which users can purchase $QSR. You can read more about Q-Treasury in our Q-Treasury documentation.

What makes Quasar non-custodial?

Liquidity providers maintain self custody by interacting with vaults exclusively with their own wallets. Users can withdraw funds at any time and always have the option of exiting a vault with their funds when a governance decision is made that they do not approve of. Vault creators and administrators acting as portfolio managers do not need to take custody of user funds to deploy on the Interchain. This is facilitated by IBC’s interchain accounts standard, which allows fully traceable execution of actions on other chains, remotely, from Quasar. This means that there is no need for a manager to access multiple accounts, wallets, or UIs to execute strategies on behalf of liquidity providers.

Last updated