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Vaults are the core construct that Quasar leverages for digital asset management. A useful mental model for Vaults is a container that can hold a variety of crypto-assets. From an optimization perspective, Vaults serve to define the higher-order objective to be maximized. The programmatic utility of Vaults is they provide the bookkeeping, operational and mangagerial layer for operating executing strategies.

Vaults are where decisions are made and objectives are communicated. While Strategies contain everything relevant to actually executing the deployment of assets, they always exist in the context of Vaults. Each Vault is expected to have an overarching thesis or goal that serves to guide who joins the Vault and which Strategies are selected. Vaults also explicitly state a risk profile to responsibly match Vaults with liquidity providers with varying risk tolerance. Simple Vaults will identify strongly with a chosen strategy, and not change strategies frequently. More advanced vaults may not identify much at all with a single strategy, taking advantage of multiple strategies and actively changing them to stay optimally aligned with the predefined goal or thesis.

Vaults are also where the social element of Quasar lives. Vaults offer a communal layer that is decoupled from specific strategies. Vaults will inherently create a micro-community of liquidity providers who can engage collectively to jointly guide the Vault via governance and in conjunction with Vault administrators. Sharing of information and communication beyond governance is welcomed as part of the DAM experience. Some vaults may be more social and collectively governed than others, with liquidity providers frequently involved in making decisions about how to change Strategies. Other Vaults might be led primarily by administrators and managed just as actively, or more.

A deeper explanation of the technical components of a Vault will be provided in the Develop section of the docs.